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????== RobotFramework???Щ????==
??????????棬???WEB?????Selenium????Java GUI ????????????????SSH???
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????SeleniumLibrary - A web testing library that uses popularSelenium tool internally.
????watir-robot - A web testing library that uses popularWatir tool via theremote library interface.
????WatinLibrary - A web testing library that usesWatin tool (a .NET port of Watir) via theremote library interface.
????SwingLibrary - A Swing GUI testing library.
????EclipseLibrary - A library for testing Eclipse RCP applications using SWT widgets.
????AutoItLibrary - Windows GUI testing library that usesAutoIt freeware tool as a driver.
????DatabaseLibrary (Java) - A test library that provides common functionality for testing database contents. Implemented using Java so works only with Jython.
????DatabaseLibrary (Python) - Another library for database testing. Implemented with Python and works also on Jython.
????SSHLibrary - A test library that enables SSH and SFTP.
????HTTP test library using livetest
????HTTP test library using Requests
????How-To: Sikuli and Robot Framework Integration - This is not really a library but these instructions explain how to integrateSikuli tool with Robot Framework

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