
void __cdecl _endthreadex (unsigned retcode) {
    _ptiddata ptd; // Pointer to thread's data block

    // Clean up floating-point support (code not shown).
    // Get the address of this thread's tiddata block.
    ptd = _getptd_noexit ();

    // Free the tiddata block.
    if (ptd != NULL)
    // Terminate the thread.







????HANDLE GetCurrentProcess();
????HANDLE GetCurrentThread();



<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14px">    DuplicateHandle(
           GetCurrentProcess()??     // Handle of process that thread
                                                // pseudohandle is relative to
           GetCurrentThread()??    // Parent thread's pseudohandle
           GetCurrentProcess()??  // Handle of process that the new?? real??
                                                // thread handle is relative to
            &hThreadParent??        // Will receive the new?? real?? handle
                                             // identifying the parent thread
            0?? // Ignored due to DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
            FALSE?? // New thread handle is not inheritable
            DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); // New thread handle has same </SPAN>