????fields = line.split("/t")


????def add_one_record(one):


????if (thread_id == target_thread):


????method_id= (tmp / 4) * 4;

????method_action= tmp % 4;


????all_records.append([thread_id?? method_id?? method_action?? time_offset])

????def handle_one_call(parent_method_id??method_id):

????if not (parent_methods.has_key(parent_method_id)):


????if not (child_methods.has_key(method_id)):


????if method_calls.has_key(parent_method_id):

????if method_calls[parent_method_id].has_key(method_id):







????def gen_funcname(method_id):




????return str1+"_"+str2

????def gen_dot_script_file():

????myoutfile = open("graph.dot"?? "w")

????myoutfile.write("digraph vanzo {/n/n");

????for one in all_methods.keys():

????if parent_methods.has_key(one):

????myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one)+" [shape=rectangle];/n")


????if child_methods.has_key(one):

????myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one)+" [shape=ellipse];/n")

????for one in method_calls.keys():

????for two in method_calls[one]:

????myoutfile.write(gen_funcname(one) + ' -> ' + gen_funcname(two) + ' [label="' + str(method_calls[one][two]) + '" fontsize="10"];/n')




????########################## Script starts from here ##########


????if len(sys.argv) < 2:

????print 'No input file specified.'


????if not (os.path.exists(sys.argv[1])):

????print "input file not exists"


????#Now handle the text part


????for line in open(sys.argv[1]):

????line2 = line.strip()

????if (line2.startswith("*")):

????if (line2.startswith("*version")):



????if (line2.startswith("*threads")):



????if (line2.startswith("*methods")):



????if (line2.startswith("*end")):




????if current_section==2:


????if current_section==3:


????#Now handle the binary part

????mybinfile = open(sys.argv[1]?? "rb")

????alldata = mybinfile.read()




????pos2=pos+offset #pos2 is where the record begin

????numofrecords = len(alldata) - pos2

????numofrecords = numofrecords / 9

????for i in xrange(numofrecords):

????add_one_record(alldata[pos2 + i * 9:pos2 + i * 9 + 9])


????for onerecord in all_records:






????if(len(my_stack) > 1):






????if(len(my_stack) > 1):



????os.system("dot -Tjpg graph.dot -o output.jpg;rm -f graph.dot");

????????/t??? ??/n??? ??


????view plaincopy to clipboardprint?